SSPMS, with 54 years of dedication and legacy, serves as the foundation for educated, cultured, and awakened citizens. Our institution focuses on the all-round education and development of students, emphasizing values such as punctuality, discipline, cleanliness, courteous behaviour, and smart turnout.
A sportsman spirit is fostered through diverse curricular and co-curricular activities, including poetry recitation, Elocution Competition, Handwriting and Drawing, and Storytelling. Cultural celebrations like Diwali, Bhondla, Guru Pournima, Saraswati Puja, and Christmas instil respect for all religions. Students are encouraged to participate in competitive exams like NSO and IEO organized by SOF foundation , New Delhi , providing exposure to healthy competition at a young age.
Despite space constraints, we boast a beautiful playground where children connect with nature. In essence, we are dedicated to our mission of nourishing the body, mind, and soul. Parents, in collaboration with the school, play a crucial role in nurturing the success of their children.